Acupuncture & Pain: Eastern Medicine meets Western Research.

Acupuncture & Pain: Eastern Medicine meets Western Research. Although acupuncture has been used for a long time as a way to regulate the system, it’s only in recent years its regained momentum in its use. Our understanding from a Western perspective is growing on how this form of medicine, that’s been developed over the past […]

Frozen Shoulder

Having unexplained shoulder pain and stiffness? Frozen shoulder or adhesive capsulitis is a common condition of the shoulder categorized by spontaneous gradual shoulder pain that leads to increased stiffness and loss of motion.  The whole condition usually takes up to 18-24 months, whereby there are 3 stages: Acute freezing stage: High levels of discomfort and […]

The follow through formula: a 5-step plan to finally reaching your goals

You know how it goes. You started the year strong with good intentions, bright new year’s resolutions and a plan for your health, self-development and positive thinking. Pretty soon you are running into all kind of bumps in the road and screaming ‘I haven’t got any time’ cuts you down to barely making a gym […]

Summer Care and Seasonal living with Traditional Chinese Medicine 

Living in harmony with nature is one of the great teachings of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Staying in tune with the season helps to strengthen the immune system, protect against season allergens, assists to stabilise energy along with balancing the mood and spirit. The summer season in TCM is the most yang time of the […]


You may have noticed at our Mona Vale clinic that our Acupuncturist Rachel has introduced the Africology spa range into her body treatments, cosmetic acupuncture services and onto our shelves. Africology is South Africas leading natural, cruelty-free and ethical skin care range incorporating indigenous plant extracts, organically grown essential oils into its products. Rich in […]

Hangover Healing

12 Steps to Prevent a Hangover – The Natural Way I live a pretty healthy life—most of the time. From time to time I indulge in shenanigans, that can involve moderate to elaborate amounts of alcohol. I pay dearly for a fun night. You see, my alcohol intake is not a weekly thing, so it […]

Confused about Carbs

Have you ever wondered why some people can eat loads of carbohydrates with no problems and other people only have to look at them and put on weight? Are you : confused about carbohydrates and how much you should be eating? Are you overweight and/or finding it difficult to lose weight? Insulin resistant/diabetic? Gluten intolerant? […]

The truth about artificial sweeteners and ‘diet’ drinks

Are artificial sweeteners good or bad for you? It’s a common misconception that ‘diet’ soft drinks are healthier than their non-diet counterparts – such as Coke and Diet Coke – but the truth is they can they even more destructive to your health. A study released in April 2017 examined whether sugar or artificially sweetened beverage consumption […]

FREE DOWNLOAD: practitioner-approved guides to move better, sleep better, feel better

FREE DOWNLOAD: practitioner-approved guides to move better, sleep better, feel better

Get our top 3 resources to improving your upper and lower body mobility, plus our sleep essentials guide from our integrated team of health practitioners.

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