Are you sick and tired of doing diet after diet and not seeing any results? Have you spent copious amounts of money on weight loss pills and not noticed a change?
It’s time to shake things up!
Developing a good relationship with food is the start to kicking that dieting habit and reaching your weight loss goal.
Here are 5 diet ditching hacks that you can introduce into your diet and lifestyle to help you not only develop a good relationship with food but also get closer to that weight loss goal you have been working towards.
Eat more protein
Getting adequate protein in your diet can provide you with a number of benefits, in particular providing satiety after a meal, which means your hunger is reduced and with that, so too is your desire for snacking!
Great protein sources include:
- Animal sources – chicken, fish & crustaceans, beef, lamb, veal, turkey and eggs
- Lentils and legumes
- Nuts and seeds
- Cheese and yoghurt
Switch simple carbohydrates to complex ones
Simple carbohydrates such as cakes, biscuits, white bread/rice/pasta, chips and soft drinks are quickly digested by the body leaving you feeling peckish only a couple hours later. By switching these to slower to digest, complex carbohydrates such as fruits, vegetables, legumes and wholegrains such as brown rice/pasta, you will be feeling fuller for longer and prevent snacking.
Don’t forget to drink water
Aim to drink 2L of water per day as water consumption assists with weight loss in a number of ways. If we are not drinking a sufficient amount of water on a daily basis our body retains water known as ‘water weight’.
Additionally, sometimes we in fact mistake the feeling of thirst as hunger and instead of drinking water we eat food, causing an increase in weight or a struggle to lose it.
Get active
Regular physical activity even if it’s a 30-minute walk 3 – 4 times a week around the block will help to not only keep your general health and wellbeing in check, but will also assist with weight loss.
Even just getting up during your lunch break and taking a walk outside, getting off the bus 1 or 2 stops before your destination, parking your car that little bit further from your destination and taking the stairs instead of the lift or escalator, are all simple ways you can increase your physical activity during the day.
Mindful eating
Most of us have been brought up with the mindset of having to eat everything that is on our plate even if we are full. This however, isn’t the best mindset to have especially when trying to lose weight. Incorporating mindful eating can help you become more in tune with your body and what it desires.
Some mindful eating practices include:
- Stop eating when your body is signalling to you that you’re full
- Eating only when your body tells you you’re hungry
- Eating with no distractions such television or doing work
If you would like some help with weight loss, come make an appointment with Nutritionist Romina at the Health Space Burwood Clinic (02) 9745 3700.