Supporting Immunity – staying healthy this winter.

Many different types of viruses are circulating this winter. These viruses can cause respiratory illnesses with cold or flu-like symptoms. The list includes Covid, Influenza virus, RSV (respiratory syncytial virus), parainfluenza virus (which cause common respiratory illnesses such as colds, croup, bronchiolitis, bronchitis & pneumonia), rhinovirus and adenovirus. Symptoms of infection can include fever, cough, […]

The Role of Nutrition in Sports Injury Recovery

Injuries are a common but unfortunate part of sports and exercise participation. The nature and severity of an injury will dictate the recovery and rehabilitation time, and protocols followed. Muscle mass, strength and function are lost quickly when injuries result in reduced movement or immobilisation, and this can also lead to unwanted weight gain.  While […]

Quick & effective symptom relief without medications

Feeling short of time and needing a quick fix for a flu, sore throat, or recent infection? How does winter affect us? As we approach mid-winter and chilly temperatures, we are more likely to be exposed to cold and dry air so opt to retreat indoors with loved ones and curl up in bed rather […]

Simple winter soup for the immune system

Winter is all about nourishing your body and boosting your immune system to combat these colder months. Try this immune-boosting soup once a week to keep colds and flus at bay. If you start to feel a little under the weather it’s time to cook this magical soup up and nourish your body and boost […]

It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas!

As we wind down towards the end of the year, it is for many a time for holidays, celebrations, and gatherings of friends and families, and inevitably lots of eating and sometimes overconsumption of alcohol. It can also be a very stressful time of year, making it difficult to remain calm and healthy, and to […]

The Role of Nutrition in Sports Injury Recovery

Injuries are a common but unfortunate part of sports and exercise participation. The nature and severity of an injury will dictate the recovery and rehabilitation time, and protocols followed. Muscle mass, strength and function are lost quickly when injuries result in reduced movement or immobilisation, and this can also lead to unwanted weight gain. While […]

Chronic lifestyle disease a Naturopathic approach

Chronic lifestyle disease is a broad term that covers a number of preventable diseases/conditions including obesity, type 2 diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, metabolic syndrome, fatty liver disease, arthritis, eczema, back pain, osteoporosis, kidney disease and several cancers. Sadly 3 in 5 (60%) Australians over 65 years of age have more than 1 of the above […]

Five dietary swaps to help you reduce the risk of chronic lifestyle disease

What are chronic lifestyle diseases? Chronic diseases are long-term diseases, which are largely preventable. Chronic diseases are the leading cause of illness, disability and death in Australia. To simplify, chronic disease is often discussed in terms of 4 major disease groups—cardiovascular diseases, cancers, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and diabetes. An unhealthy lifestyle, characterized by […]

Fatty Liver Disease

The occurrence of many so-called lifestyle diseases appears to be increasing, and all are troubling. One such disease is Fatty Liver Disease which occurs in both older and young adults, and it is unfortunately now being diagnosed in children. What does the liver do? The liver’s main functions are removing toxins and processing food nutrients. […]

Calm down inflammation with food

Have you ever sprained your ankle, cut yourself or stung by a bee? The pain, redness, swelling, and heat that it produces are the body’s defence mechanism to fight the acute inflammation and to repair tissue damage. Acute inflammation typically resolves quickly, within a period of hours to days. Have you ever heard of chronic […]

Healthy eating this Christmas

Work Christmas parties, catch-up lunches with friends, holiday feasts with the family- these are all the joyful parts of Christmas. But with all these festivities, we may find ourselves over-eating on sweet desserts and drinking more than we’d like. We can end up feeling bloated, fatigued and that we’ve lost all our progress to eating […]

Adrenal Fatigue and Covid

The past year has been stressful in ways no one could have predicted. Life has been turned upside down, and as a result many people have felt overwhelmed and exhausted. Even those who are normally buoyant, enthusiastic, and positive have described this period as difficult and draining, like air slowly leaking out of a balloon. […]

A-Z of Immune Support

Your immune system is a network of organs, tissues, and cells that work together to keep you healthy by fighting off harmful bacteria, viruses, and parasites. Your immune system acts as an interface between your body and the things you encounter (germs, bacteria’s etc) that can make you sick. When your immune system is compromised, it’s […]

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FREE DOWNLOAD: practitioner-approved guides to move better, sleep better, feel better

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