Feeling short of time and needing a quick fix for a flu, sore throat, or recent infection? How does winter affect us? As we approach mid-winter and chilly temperatures, we are more likely to be exposed to cold and dry air so opt to retreat indoors with loved ones and curl up in bed rather […]
Tag: gut health
A-Z of Immune Support
Your immune system is a network of organs, tissues, and cells that work together to keep you healthy by fighting off harmful bacteria, viruses, and parasites. Your immune system acts as an interface between your body and the things you encounter (germs, bacteria’s etc) that can make you sick. When your immune system is compromised, it’s […]
An Acupuncturist’s Take on Acupuncture and Immunity
This paragraph from this article* by Liang et al. summarises my understanding of acupuncture and it’s possible effect on immunity. “The characteristic that acupuncture enhances resistance is closely related with the immune system, which functions in defense, homeostasis, and surveillance. More and more research has revealed that acupuncture can regulate immunity, for example, to enhance […]
What is PCOS and can Chinese Medicine help deal with It?
PCOS stands for polycystic ovary syndrome –- is characterised by the growth of multiple small follicles on the ovary. It is often undiagnosed as the person may still menstruate, but usually very irregularly, for example, having six week or a few months in between periods. The actual blood flow can also be quite scanty, so […]
Say Goodbye to Bloating this Christmas: Laser Therapy
The holidays are a great time to indulge in family time, relaxing afternoons, time off from work and …. And of course, all sorts of tasty treats and food. This sudden change in eating behaviour and diet can disrupt our gut microbiome which can result in changed bowel habits, abdominal discomfort, bloating, and other health […]
The Link Between Your Posture and Your Gut
In daily life, most of us pay no attention to the position of our body during and after meals. However, there is evidence that our body posture can affect our digestion, our appetite, and our rate of gastric emptying. Often patients with IBS and bloating report that their gut symptoms, such as bloating and distension […]
The Role of Gut Microbiome in Eating Disorders
It is estimated that one million Australians have an eating disorder and the numbers are rising. Women and girls are twice as likely as men to be affected at some point in their lives. It is possible to have more than one eating disorder at the time and it is common for women and girls […]
How to improve your gut today and avoid the flu tomorrow
Having a well-functioning gut is your best insurance policy because it will protect you from numerous colds and cases of flu, in addition, the connection between the microflora (all the bacteria that reside in your gut) and many chronic diseases have long been established. Why is the gut so important? 70-80% of your immune system […]
How Healing Your Gut Can Help Your Thyroid Issues
Hashimoto’s disease is one of the most common autoimmune conditions we see in clinic. It is the main cause of hypothyroidism. Although Hashimoto’s disease is an organ specific autoimmune disease, which means it affects just the thyroid, it’s cause is in many cases inflammation outside the thyroid gland, most often in the gut. Here I […]
5 Simple Tips To Detox Everyday (And Why We Need To)
Do we really need to detox? Our bodies are bombarded with toxins every day – from our everyday products to the pollution in the air. So how do our bodies cope with this onslaught? (Spoiler alert: sometimes they don’t!). Our detox organs – liver, kidneys, lungs, gut and skin – work overtime to rid our […]
Meet Clinical Nutritionist Tamika
What made you chose nutrition as your career? For seven years I struggled with chronic hormonal imbalances and severe digestive issues. I saw over 20 different practitioners with very little changes to my symptoms. It wasn’t until I addressed my diet with the help of a holistic practitioner that I finally saw changes to my […]
Hypothyroidism—The Undiagnosed Disorder
What is hypothyroidism? Are you feeling tired and suffering from constipation, hair loss or do you find it hard to lose weight and often have cold hands and feet? These are just some of the symptoms of hypothyroidism or an under functioning thyroid gland. The thyroid gland makes hormones that help control your weight, heart […]
Collagen: Gut Healing And Glowing Skin
What is collagen? Collagen is a fibrous protein that’s created in the body and required for many vital biological processes. It’s a required building block for healthy nails, hair, skin, bones, tendons, ligaments, and more. Any time you move, be grateful for collagen. Sadly, as we age and put our body under stress, collagen production […]
Bone Broth
Bone broth has a variety of nutrients that act to soothe and repair the lining of the small intestine along with many more healthy benefits. You can think of it as nature’s multivitamin, its packed with: Over 19 easy-to-absorb, essential and non-essential amino acids (the building blocks of proteins) eg glutamine which helps repair the […]
Leaky Gut
I gave a talk on GUT Health at Coco Wealth of Health last week and it was so nice to have a enthusiastic audience. As a follow on, I thought I’d do a few blog entries on ‘leaky gut’. If you are saying ‘Leaking WHAT’, then you are in the right place and keep reading […]
What You Need To Know About Leaky Gut
What is leaky gut? Leaky gut, or intestinal permeability and bacterial translocation, is a condition in which the lining of the small intestine becomes damaged, causing undigested food particles, toxic waste products and bacteria to “leak” through the intestines and flood the blood stream, also impairing proper of nutrient absorption into the bloodstream. Tight junctions in […]
How To Improve Your Digestion
How to improve your digestion- some simple ways to increase stomach acid and enzymes Ingest Apple Cider Vinegar or Lemon Start to balance the pH in your stomach with apple cider vinegar or lemon juice right before your meals. One tablespoon of ACV or lemon juice in a small amount of warm water. Apple cider vinegar is […]
Five Tips For Good Gut Health
Five tips for good gut health: Practice good eating habits – chew food well and eat slowly; sit down to eat, eat only what you need to feel full (gently satisfied, not overfed), and try to stop eating before you feel too full. Understand what drives your eating patterns e.g. boredom, addiction or habit, to […]
We are not what we eat, but what we digest. How is your digestion?
Most people don’t like to talk about it, but having a gastrointestinal problem is common. If you experience any of the following frequently you may have a digestive issues: Bloating Burping Reflux Flatulence Cramping Constipation Diarrhoea Nausea Vomiting Changes in appetite Excessive thirst The first step is to record what you eat and your symptoms […]