Detoxing is not just about food and diet. During a detox, physical, emotional and spiritual health are all addressed. A detox program is a health reset and is focused on healing and regenerating your digestive tract. It will also help to wake up, activate and strengthen the organs that will be involved in detoxifying your […]
Author: Pamela Nelson
Collagen: Your New Best Friend for Skin, Joints, and Gut Health
Collagen is a major component of the human body, accounting for about 30% of total body protein. Collagen is crucial for: Mobile joints Stable bones Healthy muscles Strong ligaments and tendons Skin, hair and healthy fingernails. Collagen is one of the primary structural proteins of connective tissue. It makes up connective tissue like skin, tendons, […]
Almond, Lemon, Date and Coconut Bliss Balls
Dairy free, egg free, gluten free, refined sugar free, vegan, wheat free Prep time: 15 mins Makes: 20 -30 balls depending upon how large you like them Ingredients: 1 cup of almond meal or raw almonds if preferred 1 cup desiccated coconut Zest of 1 lemon 1-2 tablespoons of the juice of the lemon ½ […]
Supporting Immunity – staying healthy this winter.
Many different types of viruses are circulating this winter. These viruses can cause respiratory illnesses with cold or flu-like symptoms. The list includes Covid, Influenza virus, RSV (respiratory syncytial virus), parainfluenza virus (which cause common respiratory illnesses such as colds, croup, bronchiolitis, bronchitis & pneumonia), rhinovirus and adenovirus. Symptoms of infection can include fever, cough, […]
Asian Style Mince
A family favourite, this easy recipe uses readily available ingredients. The cooked mince can be used in various ways & beef mince can be substituted by chicken or pork. Prep time is about 10 minutes & cooking takes about 10-15 minutes. 500 gm extra lean beef mince 2 cloves garlic minced. ½ […]
The Role of Nutrition in Sports Injury Recovery
Injuries are a common but unfortunate part of sports and exercise participation. The nature and severity of an injury will dictate the recovery and rehabilitation time, and protocols followed. Muscle mass, strength and function are lost quickly when injuries result in reduced movement or immobilisation, and this can also lead to unwanted weight gain. While […]
Herbal Medicines in Sports Injuries
Sports injuries refers to those injuries occurring most often during training, exercising, or playing sport. They can include abrasions and superficial wounds, and injuries that affect the musculoskeletal system, which comprises a network of muscles, tendons, ligaments, bones, and other tissues that enable movement and provide joint stability. Soft tissue injuries, involving muscles, tendons, and […]
Staying strong in the winter months
We are exposed to pathogens every day. We inhale, swallow or touch them and your body’s response can depend upon the strength of your immune system. Not everyone who is exposed to germs will develop a disease or become sick, and how sick you may become will depend on how strong a defense your body […]
Headaches are described as pain located in the head or part of the face. The pain can be sharp or dull, brief or constant, with a pressure that can feel throbbing. The location, severity, and frequency will vary according to the type and cause of the headache. The two main categories of headaches are primary […]
It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas!
As we wind down towards the end of the year, it is for many a time for holidays, celebrations, and gatherings of friends and families, and inevitably lots of eating and sometimes overconsumption of alcohol. It can also be a very stressful time of year, making it difficult to remain calm and healthy, and to […]
The Role of Nutrition in Sports Injury Recovery
Injuries are a common but unfortunate part of sports and exercise participation. The nature and severity of an injury will dictate the recovery and rehabilitation time, and protocols followed. Muscle mass, strength and function are lost quickly when injuries result in reduced movement or immobilisation, and this can also lead to unwanted weight gain. While […]
Fatty Liver Disease
The occurrence of many so-called lifestyle diseases appears to be increasing, and all are troubling. One such disease is Fatty Liver Disease which occurs in both older and young adults, and it is unfortunately now being diagnosed in children. What does the liver do? The liver’s main functions are removing toxins and processing food nutrients. […]
Festive Season Eating – are your food combinations making you feel sick?
With the festive season approaching it is important to remember when catching up with friends and family that while making healthy meal choices is a key factor in feeling well, your food combinations also play a big role. The delicious food available at these events can lead to overindulgence, and even though you may try […]
The role of Nutrition in sports injury & recovery
Injuries are a common but unfortunate part of sports and exercise participation. The nature and severity of an injury will dictate the recovery and rehabilitation time, and protocols followed. Muscle mass, strength and function are lost quickly when injuries result in reduced movement or immobilisation, and this can also lead to unwanted weight gain. While […]
Spring into Spring with a Health Reset
Do you want to feel healthier and have more energy? Perhaps lose some Covid kilos? What about clearer skin, better sleep and a sharper mind? Maybe it’s time to think about a Spring Health Reset. We are coming to the end of both a long lockdown and the colder months, and lots of clients and […]
Adrenal Fatigue and Covid
The past year has been stressful in ways no one could have predicted. Life has been turned upside down, and as a result many people have felt overwhelmed and exhausted. Even those who are normally buoyant, enthusiastic, and positive have described this period as difficult and draining, like air slowly leaking out of a balloon. […]
Prepping for Pregnancy
Are you planning a pregnancy? Achieving a healthy pregnancy starts well before you fall pregnant. The time leading up to conception is an opportunity to make good choices and aim for optimal health for both parents, as the father’s health is equally important as the mother’s during this period. Research shows that nutritional deficiencies, stress, […]
Cauliflower and Leek Soup
A gluten/dairy free soup, perfect for cold days and easy to prepare, brought to you by Nutritionist, Naturopath and Herbalist, Pamela Nelson. Ingredients: I head of cauliflower 1 large or 2 small leeks sliced 2 cloves of garlic 2 TBS of extra virgin olive oil Pinch of Himalayan salt and black pepper 1 litre of […]
Detoxing with Pamela Nelson
After the festive season it’s a great idea to reboot your body with a detox which is a health reset focused on healing and regenerating your digestive tract. Detoxing is not just about your diet, it must also address physical, emotional, spiritual and mental issues to achieve overall good health. Eating only whole, clean foods […]
How to Survive the Festive Season: Overindulgence
Despite the fun of the summer holiday period, the festive season can also be a stressful time of year and one during which we often eat more, increase our alcohol intake, exercise less, gain weight, and simply feel overwhelmed and unwell. Overindulgence is a common problem, so here are some tips to avoid feeling like […]