Sleep is one of the most powerful tools for recovery and overall well-being, yet it’s often overlooked. Whether you’re dealing with stress, muscle fatigue, or simply trying to function at your best, quality sleep is essential. It plays a critical role in physical repair, mental clarity, and nervous system regulation. But what exactly happens when […]
Tag: wellness
The Role of Nutrition in Sports Injury Recovery
Injuries are a common but unfortunate part of sports and exercise participation. The nature and severity of an injury will dictate the recovery and rehabilitation time, and protocols followed. Muscle mass, strength and function are lost quickly when injuries result in reduced movement or immobilisation, and this can also lead to unwanted weight gain. While […]
Quick & effective symptom relief without medications
Feeling short of time and needing a quick fix for a flu, sore throat, or recent infection? How does winter affect us? As we approach mid-winter and chilly temperatures, we are more likely to be exposed to cold and dry air so opt to retreat indoors with loved ones and curl up in bed rather […]
Acupuncture for your pregnancy journey
Complementary and alternative therapies became popular for the pregnancy journey because they include natural ingredients but are less invasive. Traditional Chinese herbal medicine combined with acupuncture treatment can be a pampering experience for women who are planning to have a baby and also for health restoration after having a baby. A healthy pregnancy journey can […]
Chronic lifestyle disease a Naturopathic approach
Chronic lifestyle disease is a broad term that covers a number of preventable diseases/conditions including obesity, type 2 diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, metabolic syndrome, fatty liver disease, arthritis, eczema, back pain, osteoporosis, kidney disease and several cancers. Sadly 3 in 5 (60%) Australians over 65 years of age have more than 1 of the above […]
Five dietary swaps to help you reduce the risk of chronic lifestyle disease
What are chronic lifestyle diseases? Chronic diseases are long-term diseases, which are largely preventable. Chronic diseases are the leading cause of illness, disability and death in Australia. To simplify, chronic disease is often discussed in terms of 4 major disease groups—cardiovascular diseases, cancers, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and diabetes. An unhealthy lifestyle, characterized by […]
How does Acupuncture Work (Part 2)
Following up on my previous blog on the local mechanisms of acupuncture, here we will discuss how acupuncture affects the bio-chemistry in the brain. What does this mean? Think of the acupuncture needle as the nail in Frankinstein’s head (but less painful or scary). Let out the happiness For most of us, what do we […]
Fatty Liver Disease
The occurrence of many so-called lifestyle diseases appears to be increasing, and all are troubling. One such disease is Fatty Liver Disease which occurs in both older and young adults, and it is unfortunately now being diagnosed in children. What does the liver do? The liver’s main functions are removing toxins and processing food nutrients. […]
Prioritising YOU in 2022
We’re one month into a new year, and I don’t know about you, but it has gone unexpectedly quickly for me! I feel as though I spent the whole month in a daze of work, sleep, socializing, repeat; I know I have taken very little time to reflect on last year, or map out my […]
Hamstring injuries
Hamstring strains happen when any of the large muscles or its tendons at the back of your leg is stretched beyond what it can withstand. Strains of your hamstring can be very painful and are fairly common in sports activities requiring the athlete to forcefully accelerate, such as running, football, rugby and basketball. As I […]
What to eat before & after a workout?
Physical activity should always be paired with a balanced diet, but it is not always easy to understand which are the most correct choices based on your needs. What you eat before and after a workout, a run or gym class is essential to improve your performance, to recover easier from the fatigue of the […]
Women’s health and pregnancy: enrich the experience with acupuncture
This month is the women’s health month at Healthspace with a focus on fertility and pregnancy. With the lockdown, we have been spending more time at home with our partners and many of us are thinking more about starting our own families. Many others who are already pregnant are looking for ways to enrich and […]
How Present Periods affect Future Fertility
In TCM, when treating women, we always take and keep records of the menstrual cycle as a guide to their general health, as well as their reproductive health. This enables the practitioner to be aware of the possibility of different disorders occurring in the future. So, of course, observing these patterns – from adolescence – […]
Mental Health in Lockdown: Can Acupuncture Help?
How are Australians managing: Lifeline Australia is a non-profit organisation that provides 24 hour telephone crisis support service in Australia. Reportedly, the phones have never been busier than August 2021 (this month) in its 57 years of history. Calls to Lifeline have skyrocketed with calls approximately 40% higher than before the lockdowns in 2020. One […]
Take a Swing at Golf!
Who doesn’t love a good game of golf? The feeling of being outdoors at a beautiful golf course, having a chin wag with your mates and then finally hearing that glorious “klonk” sound as you hit the perfect swing with your driver before watching the ball beautifully soar away into the distance. But can we […]
How acupressure can be used at home or work for managing anxiety and depression
Eyes darting left and right. Your neck sore from constantly looking over your shoulders, chasing the shadow of pedestrians going about their business. Agitated. Sensitive. Wanting to hole up in a secluded dark corner at your workplace. Maybe its not as bad as the description above. Maybe it is. If it is, I recommend that […]
Wellness and Kinesiology
I do not think we as human beings wake up in the morning and ask ourselves; ‘how am I going to stuff up my life today’? Consider this; OUR CURRENT CHOICES, HABITS AND BEHAVIOURS ARE HELPING US TO COPE AND SURVIVE. They exist for a REASON. There can be an incredible amount of guilt and […]
Blood sugar – the foundation to good health
Energy levels during the day, the way you think, how likely you are to develop chronic disease, sexual dysfunction and even excess belly fat all trace back to one core subject; metabolic dysfunction. Literature shows that living longer and living better all really starts with decreasing chronic inflammation in our lives. A great place to […]
Recovery for Performance
Most athletes know that getting enough rest after exercise is essential to high-level performance, but many still feel guilty when they take a day off. The body repairs and strengthens itself in the time between workouts, and continuous training can actually weaken the strongest athletes. Why Do I Need to Incorporate Recovery? After an intense […]
What is PCOS and can Chinese Medicine help deal with It?
PCOS stands for polycystic ovary syndrome –- is characterised by the growth of multiple small follicles on the ovary. It is often undiagnosed as the person may still menstruate, but usually very irregularly, for example, having six week or a few months in between periods. The actual blood flow can also be quite scanty, so […]