Living in harmony with nature is one of the great teachings of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Staying in tune with the season helps to strengthen the immune system, protect against season allergens, assists to stabilise energy along with balancing the mood and spirit.
The summer season in TCM is the most yang time of the year, the days are warm and long, energy feels abundant and summer is all about expansion, growth and creativity. In 5 element theory, summer corresponds to the element fire and associated meridian the heart, mind and spirit. When the fire element is in balance, our mind is calm, emotions balanced, thoughts clear and sleep sound. Feelings of agitation, vivid dream disturbed sleep, a lack of joy (depression) or an excess of joy (mania) may indicate an imbalance.
The natural cycle of produce is perfectly and intelligently designed to support our health.
Below are some examples of foods that may help protect you during the summer season and adjust the body’s temperature, helping to keep you cool and balanced.
Fruits such as; Watermelon, rockmelon, honeydew,lemon, peach, orange, lemon
Vegetables and herbs such as; Broccoli, cabbage, spinach, sprouts, asparagus, watercress, mint, dill
Consume more fluids, or foods with more water content and electrolytes such as watermelon and coconut water
Engage in practices which calm the spirit and rest the mind.
Add more energetic exercise to your daily regime! Get the blood moving!
Add more pungent flavours to your diet
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) takes the individual and their specific symptoms, history and constitution into account.These are general guidelines for keeping your internal landscape in harmony with the external.
Get Acupuncture! Acupuncture works deeply on the inner landscape of the body to reduce stress and inflammation, creating a more harmonious internal environment