Unsure of what to expect during an Acupuncture treatment? Although you may have heard of your friends, family or favourite celebrity having regular acupuncture treatments to manage their sports injury, increase their energy, relieve stress or support their body through pregnancy, you may still be wondering what actually happensduring an acupuncture session. Here, I have […]
Category: Blog
Iconic role models we’re aspiring to in old age
Instagram influencers, a skydiver, a yoga instructor – some might think these are the occupations and pastimes of the young and the restless – right? Wrong. Increasingly, good health is enjoyed for longer and later in life. Advances in medicine and technology is allowing humans a greater quality of life, and some are enjoying through […]
Health Space Icons: Anne Massey
At 65 years of age, Health Space Kings Cross client, Anne Massey, is an inspiration: not only is she training for her next marathon, she is Facetiming her grandchildren around the globe and managing the board of the Can Too Foundation. In fact, she ran her first half Ironman at the age of 60! With […]
Winter’s silver lining
As we start to move into the colder months, it important to be looking ahead with your family health. A transition towards warmer foods, increasing immune-supportive supplements and washing all your winter clothes and blankets are some of the few steps you can take towards thriving throughout winter. For many (like me) who thrive in […]
How to improve your gut today and avoid the flu tomorrow
Having a well-functioning gut is your best insurance policy because it will protect you from numerous colds and cases of flu, in addition, the connection between the microflora (all the bacteria that reside in your gut) and many chronic diseases have long been established. Why is the gut so important? 70-80% of your immune system […]
10 reasons why you should masturbate (one for every finger)
Masturbation not only feels good , it is good for you: it supports stress relief, helps you sleep, boosts your libido, supports connection with others, and oh so much more. It’s remarkable that solo female pleasure is still taboo considering all the health benefits that come with masturbation. And these benefits aren’t limited to your […]
Achilles Tendon Injuries and the Weekend Warrior
So your friend signed up for the Sydney Half Marathon in 8 weeks and needs a running buddy, but the last time you went for a run was about 5 months ago. You know you can run about 5kms without any training but it’s a struggle. Is 8 weeks enough time to build up to […]
How to combat post-natal depletion
Having a child has a huge and profound impact on a woman’s life and health. The physiological changes that occur during pregnancy and after birth have a very real impact on every new mother’s physical and emotional wellbeing; whether she’s done this before or it’s her first time around. Often, the significance of these changes […]
Detox with Lymphatic Drainage Massage
Welcome to the body’s most powerful system of detoxification! The lymph system is a big part of our immune system, it’s a network of different organs, nodes, ducts and vessels which help move around a clear fluid which removes bacteria from tissues inside the body. When this system doesn’t function properly, the fluid can build […]
KX Pilates Mona Vale
Jess Simpson, Studio Owner of KX Pilates Mona Vale gives us an insight into her work in the Health and Fitness Industry. What is KX all about? KX Pilates is a dynamic, high intensity, fast-paced workout which combines elements of traditional reformer Pilates with cardio and endurance training….all in the space of 50 minutes. What […]
What You Need to Know About Abdominal Separation
Physiotherapist Kelly Vine shares her wealth of knowledge on Abdominal Separation, how to prevent it and how to reverse the effects. Abdominal Separation. What causes it? How can I help myself? Can I prevent it? How do I get rid of it? These are all common concerns and I hope to be able to answer some […]
Interview with Dr Lewis Ehrlich
What made you decide to be a dentist and what do you love most about the job? I probably wouldn’t have thought to be a dentist if it wasn’t in my family. Luckily, my father and uncle are dentists and they started the Sydney Holistic Dental Centre in the early 1980s. This certainly played a […]
How To Support Your Liver Without Going ‘On Detox’
With our exposure to environmental toxins, medications, toxic body care products, processed foods and alcohol, our health is greatly dependant on how well our body remove toxins. The main way to detoxify our body is through our liver, one of body’s most hard working organs. Liver not only detoxifies our blood, but it also produces […]
Interview with John Waters from Snap Fitness Burwood
Tell us a little about yourself I have been working in the Health and Fitness Industry for the past 17 years. I started as a Fitness Instructor and worked my way up to Management and now Manage a number of clubs. What got you into the health industry? I was a Gymnast for 10 years […]
What fruit and vegetables are in season now? (Bonus Autumn recipe!)
As the seasons change so do the fruits and vegetables that are available. Adapting your diet and eating seasonally has lots of health benefits: Supporting your immune health Winter foods provide an increased amount of immune boosting vitamins such as Vitamin C and Vitamin A which naturally help our bodies to fight off colds, flu […]
Interview with Beat Body *special offer inside*
Our Acupuncturist Daria talks to Tom Sproats, the owner of brand new fitness studio Beat Body. What is Beat Body all about? Beat Body is a unique beat based fitness concept based around cardio, strength, boxing and also an element of yoga. Each class takes place over 10 songs curated by our instructors to help […]
Interview with Pure Blends
Pure Blends in a nutshell Pure Blends is a 100% vegan, plant-based protein. The concept is to use minimum ingredients for maximum benefit. We want to bring back the genuine enjoyment of natural taste and flavour of what the earth has gifted us. Our ingredients are simple: pea, hemp and brown rice – all superfoods […]
Interview With Our Chiropractor Amanda Parke
Why do you love being a Chiropractor? I love being able to help people; whether they are in pain or coming in for well and preventative care. I also love following their progress as they improve their health and wellbeing. On your days off what will we find you doing? Nothing too exciting! Lots of […]
Interview with Trunk Studios
Tell us about yourself and who you are My name is Rima, I am the owner of TrunkStudios ® in Dulwich Hill. What is TrunkStudios ® ? We are a Yoga, Pilates and Barre studio. What made you get into the health industry? I was previously working as a lawyer and number of corporate roles, […]
Interview with Shaun Diachkoff from Accelerate Strength
How were you introduced to crossfit? Tell us about your crossfit Journey? I first started training CrossFit style workouts when a friend returned from a posting to a Navy Seal unit in America. I was already going to the gym a few times a week and represented the Australian Navy in multiple sports which didn’t […]