Nadine Richardson, is a mother, yoga teacher, doula, Director of The Birthing Institute and Creator and Founder of the world’s only scientifically verified childbirth education program, She Births® and host of The She Births® Show (Podcast & YouTube). She founded She Births® in 2008 when she realised that women needed and deserved so much more […]
Happy Women’s Health Week! September’s Out Of The Woods Comment
Women’s health is a massive topic and as a woman myself, I have learnt so much through my own health journey. Women have a different and very delicate balance of hormones that need to work in coordination in order to be optimally healthy. Unfortunately these hormones are out of balance long before many females have […]
Chicken and Vegetable Stir Fry (Serves 4) – Nutritious /Gluten Free
Ingredients 2 tablespoon coconut oil 3 Chicken breast fillets trimmed and cut into strips 1 brown onion sliced or chopped 1 red capsicum deseeded sliced into thin strips 2 carrots sliced thinly 1/2 cup green beans sliced 250 mushrooms (button or caps) sliced 1 cup chopped broccoli 2cm piece of ginger peeled and grated or […]
Dr Kate Wood returns to practice at Health Space Mona Vale!
We are super excited to welcome back Dr. Kate Wood to practice part time, starting in September, after spending some time with her beautiful children Max & Mimi on maternity leave. Due to Kate’s availability she has changed the structure of her appointments and pricing to maximise her extensive skill set and time with us. […]
Join the Health Space team for the Pub2Pub charity run!
Health Space is proud to be involved in the amazing Pub2Pub charity fun run. A team of health experts will be on hand for post run chiropractic, massage, acupuncture and nutrition assessments. Look out for our Health Space tent. Health Space has provided a Q&A so you can understand more about this great charity event […]
How I Transformed My Life Using the Spiral Program
How different would your life be if you didn’t procrastinate or self-sabotage? If you didn’t have that voice inside telling you all the reasons why you can’t? If you believed in yourself and truly went for that job you really want? If you made your passion project into your full time business? How different would […]
City2Surf Ambassador Tim Robards On Maximising The Fun With Your Fun
It’s hard not to love the City2Surf. Arriving to the finish line at the beautiful Bondi beach, with amazing sights of the city and after parties to join, plus the elation and high-energy of finishing runners, finishing the City2Surf is one of the most rewarding, exciting and relieving parts! But as they say, the journey […]
5 Great Tips For Preventing Shoulder Injuries
The shoulder joint is one of the complex joint in your body that is surrounded by numerous tissues such as ligaments, bursa and many different muscles. Your shoulder is most mobile joint of your whole body, thus it is vulnerable to injuries. Shoulder pain Causes like injuries, overuses, joint degeneration or joint dysfunction can lead […]
Tips And Tricks For Avoiding Knee Injuries This City 2 Surf
With the upcoming City 2 Surf and other fun runs, it is tempting to leave training until the last minute, then throw on a pair of sneakers to head out for a run. This often leads to injury as the body is not prepared to sustain the loads that running can have on the body, […]
Trail running – Lessons learnt by a novice
Dr Callum Forrest talks about his first experience with trail running and what lessons he is learning along the way whilst training for the Coastal Classic 30km. Running has always been a part of my fitness routine but I have never classified myself as a runner. Once a week I would do a 5km around […]
Roasted Cauliflower Soup – Perfect For Your Gut Health
Ingredients: 1 red onion quartered 4 garlic cloves ½ head large cauliflower (cut into florets) 2 fennel bulbs chopped and cored 500 gms stock of choice 3 tbs hummus 1 tsp tumeric and pinch cinnamon and black pepper 1 tsp sage leaves pinch fennel seeds 2 tbs tamari 2 tbs lemon 1 knob ginger (peeled) […]
Take a naturopathic approach to your pre-conception care
Once a couple makes the monumental decision to have a baby they are usually keen to fall pregnant asap. It’s an exciting time! There are, however, many benefits to taking just a little time to look at your health and wellbeing before starting to try and conceive. Working with a naturopath to improve your health […]
Winter Immunity – My Top 5 Tips
Did you know our immunity begins in our gut? That’s right, the gut is where it’s all happening! 80% of our immune cells are made in our gut. (So are our happy hormones, by the way, such as dopamine and serotonin.) So, if you start with good gut health, you’ll have good immunity too. How […]
Broccoli Crispbreads
Want a simple and healthy alternative to bread? Something to put your smashed avocado on, or dip into your winter soup? Look no further than this delicious flatbread, made from wholesome ingredient and just the ticket for this chilly weather. Perfect if you’re gluten intolerant as these are gluten and dairy free, and made with […]
Chia Pudding
Chia contain a very high concentration of ‘Omega 3’ fatty acid and they’re high in protein and dietary fibre! Ingredients 1 cup of coconut milk (or any dairy free milk of your choice) 1/4 cup of chia seeds 1 teaspoon of cinnamon 1 tablespoon of honey or maple syrup (optional) 1 tablespoon of Collagen Hydrolysate […]
Essential minerals – Magnesium
Magnesium is essential for many body functions. We need magnesium for energy production, brain function, sleep, blood sugar regulation, healthy bones, heart health, cell signaling and hormone production. It is necessary to convert vitamin D and calcium into their active forms and it enhances the uptake of vitamin B6 and potassium. While our body’s demand […]
Where are my headaches coming from?
Headaches can make your life more stressful and if you’re on your way to achieve health goals like losing weight or building strength, they can hinder or stop your progress without remorse. Here, at Health space clinics we want to help you understand your headaches and what you can do to get you to a […]
Essential oils and pregnancy
Are you interested in how to support yourself naturally during pregnancy, labour and nursing, with essential oils? This blog might give you some inspiration… I have been using essential oils for years, and it has been quite some time now that I have been introducing this amazing practice of self-care to people. I am not […]
The Important of Pre-conception Care
So, you’re thinking about having a baby. Have you thought about your preconceptive health and how this can impact not only your ability to conceive but also the health of your baby? Diet is now recognized as one of the major environmental factors influencing the health of the embryo, fetus and mother. Particular micronutrient deficiencies […]
Why sitting on your wallet might be causing you harm
You might wonder that your chronic low back pain is not getting better? Then consider this. Do you sit with your wallet in the pocket? One way to assist with your back pain, could be to remove your wallet and not sit on it! Sitting on your wallet has an effect on your sacro-iliac joint […]