For most of us, our sex education was confusing, dull and scary… we were ultimately taught: “Don’t have sex!!!” We missed out on learning about consent, connection, PLEASURE, anatomy, exploration, play and were left to find out on our own. Times are changing and our expectations for sex are too. We’re in the midst of […]
Can I Dead Lift If I Have Back Pain?
Simple answer, yes, in fact it might even be beneficial for your back pain While the dead lift sometimes brings a lot of fear, especially for those who have had poor experiences and injury with the exercise, the reality is that when used correctly it is a great preventer and cure for low back pain. […]
Sleep, massage and its effect on pregnancy
Sleep can be difficult during pregnancy. A number of uncomfortable symptoms such as urination frequency, exhaustion, indigestion, discomfort, night-time leg cramps, restless leg syndrome, difficulty breathing (sleep apnoea), anxiousness, depression, back pain, sciatic nerve pain and a moving foetus can keep an expecting mother up all night. However, disruptions to sleep can have negative consequences […]
What Is ‘Reactivity? And Is It A Life Sentence?
Reactivity means, simply, that your body reacts to many things. This can be anything – foods, chemicals in the environment, criticism, emotions, pain. If you’re a reactive person, you feel everything strongly. Your system over-reacts to everything. (Feeling things strongly is not necessarily a bad thing, but reacting to everyday things can be really difficult.) […]
When night light is not such a bright idea
Light, when managed well, is effective in boosting performance, increasing energy and supporting healthy sleep patterns. However just as much as our body needs light to activate our ‘get-up-and-go’ cellular functions, we need to balance this out with darkness to stimulate our rest, digest and healing processes at night. The regulation of our sleeping patterns […]
Your guide to better sleep
Do you sleep well? If you don’t, you are not alone. Sleep problems are common and may have a negative impact on overall health. So if you aren’t getting the recommended 7-9 hours per night, you may be undoing the good results achieved through eating well or exercising. The importance of sleep is always addressed […]
Are your sleep problems normal?
Sleep problems are very common, but they are NOT normal. Up to 45% of Australians reported they have disturbed sleep that affects their health in 2017. However, sleep is one of the most important factors in achieving and maintaining overall optimal health. For example, did you know that quality sleep is one of the most […]
Squatting With Knees Over Toes
At times a controversial discussion point in the fitness community is debating whether it is safe for your knees to come forward over your toes when you are squatting. The reason it is deemed a problem is due to perceived excessive stress on the knee joint. But what does the research say about this commonly […]
Resting An Injury Does Not Mean Stop Moving And Sleep!
Time and time again, when asking patients “what have you done to in order to help?” upon first meeting them, I am usually hit with something like: “I have stopped going to the gym and rested for the last few months” I would argue, that complete rest, is not the answer. What is vital for […]
Do you have jaw pain? Are you Clenching or grinding your teeth?
Temporomandibular joint (TMJ), is a term for the joint of your jaw which connects your mandible (lower jaw) to the temporal bone (side of the skull). This joint has an important function in our everyday life including chewing, eating and speaking. Irritation and dysfunction can happen to the TMJ and people with TMJ disorder may […]
Training Volume: What Does It Mean For Injury Prevention And Optimising Performance?
One of the most overlooked factors when analysing onset of injuries is training volume. Training volume is the combination of total time spent training and the intensity that training is performed at. What we are concerned about is acute (recent) overload in training volume which can exceed our body’s ability to adapt and recover from […]
Birthday Week At Hornsby
On the 15 September 2018, we turn 6 at Health Space Hornsby! And we will spend the week celebrating with you, our wonderful clients. Thank you for entrusting us with your health, we are so grateful! Visit the clinic during our birthday week (15 – 22 September 2018) for: Free entry into the draw for […]
How To Improve Your Digestion
How to improve your digestion- some simple ways to increase stomach acid and enzymes Ingest Apple Cider Vinegar or Lemon Start to balance the pH in your stomach with apple cider vinegar or lemon juice right before your meals. One tablespoon of ACV or lemon juice in a small amount of warm water. Apple cider vinegar is […]
Cauliflower And Leek Soup
A gluten/dairy free soup, perfect for cold days and easy to prepare. Ingredients: I head of cauliflower 1 large or 2 small leeks sliced 2 cloves of garlic 2 TBS of extra virgin olive oil Pinch of Himalayan salt and black pepper 1 litre of home-made or organic vegetable stock (e.g. Massel) Method: Slice cauliflower […]
What You Don’t Know About Sleep
Sleep is one of the most overlooked variables when it comes to behaviours and that can effect our risk of injury, pain perception and rate of healing. Here you can see how the likelihood of injury based on how many hours of sleep decreases significantly once you reach ~8hr per night. Sleep isn’t just injury […]
Whats happening in the East in September
Ireland Funds Sydney Global 5k When: Saturday 22nd September 8.15am – 11.30am Where: Church Grounds, Parkes Dr, Centennial Park NSW 2021, Australia Web: Cost: Standard entry $50, Child under 16 is free Can you tell us a little about the event and how community members can get involved? Our event is a 5K with a difference. On September 22nd, […]
How to survive menopause – a nutritional perspective
Menopause is literally a challenging life changer. While you are going through hormonal changes your life, your body and your emotions are drastically affected. It can be overwhelming and confusing. Menopause takes more than just sitting it out while feeling terrible about it. It means adjusting your life towards these changes. Easier said than done! […]
Managing PCOS naturally
Polycystic ovarian syndrome or PCOS is becoming more and more common with 1 in 7 women of reproductive age diagnosed with the condition. It can be a scary diagnosis with the increased risk of infertility, increased susceptibility for weight gain, increased risk of anxiety and depression as well as a higher risk of developing diabetes. […]
7 ways to happier hormones
Your hormones are responsible for how you think, feel and look. A woman with balanced hormones is sharp and upbeat, has a good memory, feels energetic (without caffeine), falls asleep quickly and wakes feeling refreshed. Your period is not just your period, it’s an indication of your underlying health. When you’re healthy, your menstrual cycle […]
Fasting for women’s health – what is it, and how to do it
Fasting has become a very hot topic of late, and it’s something I get asked about all the time! I find there is a huge appeal because unlike many diets that tell you what to eat, intermittent fasting focuses on when to eat by incorporating short-term fasts into your routine. Many well-known fitness and wellness role models are using fasting in […]