Sirsasana or headstand is one of my favorite postures, and has been for many years. There was a time when I would request a headstand in every class I went to whenever the instructor asked us what we wanted to work on. To this day, I practice headstand for at least 10 minutes as often […]
Importance of Tummy Time for Babies
It is recommended that baby's are put to sleep on their backs to reduce the chance of SIDS, but often what this means is that baby's spend a lot of time on their backs (bed, car, pram, floor etc.), which can cause a "flat spot" (plagiocephaly). The skull bone is made up of different […]
Breathing: An Understanding from the Yogic Perspective
What is pranayama (yogic breathing)? Your body is like the wick of a candle and the mind is like the glow all around it. ‘Prana’ is the vital energy needed by our physical and subtle layers, without which the body would perish. It is the prana or life force in us that nourishes the mind and keeps […]
Top 20 Physical and Emotional Signs You May Not Be Breathing Well
Why is Breathing important? Conscious Breathing, also known as, 'diaphragmatic breathing' or ‘deep breathing’ has been popular in Eastern practices for thousands of years, and more recently studies have shown the practice to have great benefits for us in a number of ways including effectively managing stress and anxiety, lowering blood pressure and heart rate, encouraging […]
Here are 6 quick tips that have assisted my clients in creating better sleep habits and feeling more relaxed and rested. Same Time, Different Night:?Your body (and hormones!) love routine. Routine = safety AND a restful sleep. Get to bed within 30minutes of the night before, and you will be within the 'melatonin window’ from […]
What is Iridology?
What is Iridology? By Kerryn Odell Nutritionist and Iridologist Eyes have long been referred to as the “Windows of the Soul”. Iridology is the study of the iris, the coloured part of the eye. Like markings on a map the iris reveals physiological conditions, health risks, challenges and/or strengths of various organs and personality traits. […]
Find Your Inner Caveman
UPCOMING WORKSHOPS THURSDAY 31ST AUGUST 6.30-7.30PM Let Health Space Mona Vale help you to… FIND YOUR INNER CAVE MAN Join Dr Luke Nisbett – Chiropractor, Kerryn Odell – Clinical Nutritionist & a surprise guest, as we explore: Why it’s important to spend time barefoot? What is Paleo and is it right for me? What’s all […]
"How is your sleep?" This is an important question that I ask all my clients, no matter what they come to see me for as sleep quality and quantity plays such a huge part in a persons overall health and wellbeing. "Do you wake up refreshed or tired?" "Do you have troubles falling asleep or […]
The Most Important Part of Your Day
Good sleep feels like a superpower, and there are also so many avenues to choose from when looking to improve sleep quality. Different practises will each have valuable approaches; whether it be getting out of a racing mind, regulating hormones and chemicals so that they switch on/off when they need to, facilitating optimal circadian rhythms […]
Self Esteem
3 myths about self esteem: Barbara Simon Results Coach at Health Space Mona Vale Myth #2: Self esteem can only be developed up until a certain age. NO!!! Self esteem actually is ageless and there is no right or wrong time to develop it. 3 things you need to be successful: You […]
Think Well
Thinking – how often do you stop to think about how you think??? Confusing question for some but as a kinesiologist I am constantly thinking about how other people are making their decisions and looking at their actions based on the way they think. Many people think we have no control over our thoughts but […]
BACK TO BASICS WEEK 3: THINK WELL – How the Mind & Body Relate….
Generally speaking, we tend to think of our minds and bodies as separate, and therefore functioning independent of each other. However, there is more to the story than that. Most of us can relate to having an experience where we felt the effect of a thought or feeling in our body: Do you remember the […]
Why Sleep is so Important for Weight Loss
So many clients who have come to see me for their first time sit across from me eagerly awaiting some revolutionary new-age advice that will help them to instantly get their life on track. And, while most of the advice that I give is in fact revolutionary and new-age, they are often left disappointed when […]
I’m not stressed!
“I’m not stressed” is one of the most common statements uttered in an initial consultation. The word stress often conjures the image of a wiry, corporate employee pulling their hair out and running around frantically and outwardly expressing their distress. However, for majority of people this is not the case and perhaps a better way […]
3 Myths About Self Esteem
Self esteem is something a lot of people are lacking, some have in abundance and most of us want it – and more of it. The thing is there are a few myths surrounding self esteem which people might use as an excuse not to get better at self esteem and instead keep sitting in […]
Just For One Week…
Scientific studies show that we have around 60000 thoughts every day. Only 3% of those thoughts are positive, 97% are – not so positive. Why is that so? Seems we are prisoners of our own brains. In an analysis conducted by A. Heimsroth, a german Psychotherapist, it was evident that when we write down our […]
BACK TO BASICS WEEK 2: Why moving is so important
Why is moving so important? Our bodies are designed to move. From infancy onwards; our natural instinct is to begin crawling and eventually into walking. Our joints are mobile to allow for all of these movements. How many of you would say that if you feel stiff and tight; that you feel good? As a […]
BACK TO BASICS WEEK 1: Reconnect to your Inner Caveman
Happy August everyone! Its not rare that my clients ask me “what foods can I get away with?”. As if food was something that either makes you put on weight or not. But hang on a second. What is the reason we eat again? We eat to nourish and nurture our bodies. We give it […]
How to Master the Supermarket
Supermarkets in today’s society hold a massive influence over the products we buy and the way we consume them. For many people, their weekly excursions to the supermarket are the only way food makes it into their homes. Therefore, the decisions made during those trips to the supermarket can guide and limit food choices for […]
How to Ensure your Next ‘Diet’ Becomes a Lifestyle Change
The definition of the word “diet”, as we know it, has evolved over time. It originates from the Greek word ‘diaita’, meaning ‘way of life’ or ‘daily habits’. Over the last century, this word “diet” has also come to represent something very different; it has morphed into a word that denotes restriction and deprivation. In fact, ‘diet’ is […]