Spring is here, this is the season to nourish and detoxify your body. Detoxing strengthens your body’s natural healing power which will have you feeling and functioning at your best.
Here are the top 10 reasons to do a detox:
1. Clear Toxins
Everyday we breathe in toxins from environmental pollutants, household chemicals and we ingest pesticides, herbicides, preservatives and other chemicals through our food and water. We also absorb harmful chemicals through our skin from our beauty products, moisturisers and deodorants. When these toxins accumulate, we experience problems including hormonal disruptions, fatigue, digestive problems, foggy unclear thinking and so much more.
2. Learn to Eat and Drink Healthy Food
Since the focus of a holistic detox is eliminating all the inflammatory foods and processed foods (caffeine, diet soft drinks, processed food, sugar, alcohol, red meat), this will give your body a chance to enjoy the simple pleasure of fresh fruits, vegetables, nutrient rich grains and legumes.
3. Lose Weight
Once you are eating healthier and eliminate toxins effectively, your weight will most likely reduce. A holistic detox doesn’t starve you, it nourishes your cells through eating a range of healthy fruit and vegetables, protein, healthy fats and grains, which your body craves and requires to feel full and energised.
4. Get Back Into Exercise
A healthy detox plan promotes daily movement. Exercise can be simple, it doesn’t have to involve the gym but if that’s what you love it definitely can. A daily walk, swim, dancing or any form of movement you enjoy is great exercise. Start with some gentle yoga, it helps on a mental and spiritual level as well as a physical one.
5. Focus on Whole, “Clean” Foods
Education on how to eat as close to nature as possible and how nature intended is vital for optimal health. Learning how to incorporate healthy nutritious foods into your lifestyle. It is also a great way to find out if you are intolerant to any foods that may have been causing bloating, gas/wind and cramping. Many people get used to the feeling and just live with it not realising it is something that can be eliminated once the digestive system is functioning optimally.
6. Eliminate Mindless Eating and Food Cravings
Learn how to eliminate mindless eating, drinking, and food cravings. You have time to think about what you can do that’s good for you and will help increase your health in the long run, not just relying on a Friday night wine quick fix.
7. Learn About Healthy Supplements
A holistic detox works on supporting the three main eliminatory organs: liver, kidneys and gastrointestinal tract. The foods that are eliminated include red meat, gluten, sugar, caffeine, alcohol and dairy. We give you plenty of swapping suggestions so it makes it really easy for everyone to follow and the supplement suggestions support your body, making the changes easier.
8. Refocus on What’s Important
A detox is great for eliminating toxins from the body and by doing this it gives you a clear mind and opportunity to focus on eliminating negative thinking and needless activities. Meditation helps clear our mind and refocus on what is important in our lives.
9. Give your Digestive System a Break to Reset
When you eliminate hard to digest proteins (red meats), food allergens, caffeine, sugars, processed food, you give your digestive system a chance to rest and this allows your body to eliminate any accumulated toxins and what isn’t needed, plenty of filtered water and supportive nutritional supplements help this process.
10. Learn New Ways to Cook
Going on a detox gives you the opportunity to experiment with new spices and seasonings, cook with new grains (buckwheat, amaranth, quinoa), incorporate healthy proteins (fish, turkey, chickpeas), and try new healthy food combinations.
As a result many people experience:
• Improved focus and motivation
• Glowing skin
• Weight loss and reduced sugar cravings
• Increased energy and vitality
• Improved quality of sleep
• Stronger immunity
• Improved digestion and bowel function
• Reduced allergies and sensitivities
• Reduced joint inflammation and pain
You’ll feel like jumping forward with a renewed mind, body, and spirit! To find out more about the best way to detox book in a Free discovery call with Diana.