Headaches, migraines & Acupuncture


DID YOU KNOW? Regardless of the type of headache or migraine experienced, they all have a neuromuscular trigger as a common component. Acupuncture treatment deactivates reactive trigger points and muscle tension whilst regulating the nervous system by interrupting the trigger and cascade of symptoms that follows in the initial phase. Follow-up sessions with extended intervals can place these headaches and migraine disorders into remission!

Acupuncture can be used for symptomatic relief but also aims to restore balance and harmony within the body by addressing underlying imbalances to support overall well-being

If you experience migraines or headaches during a cold or flu, acupuncture can provide relief by targeting points that help relax tense muscles and improve blood circulation.

Looking for an Acupuncturist in your area? Visit our services page to find your local Acupuncturist.

Call 02 9167 9678 to book an Acupuncture appointment or book online.

Author: Kate George

Kate is the General Manager of Health Space clinics group and has a Bachelors Degree in Complementary Medicine from Endeavour College of Natural Health.

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