A glass of lemon water, magnesium, NADH and vitamin C supplements, organic food, no gluten, 30 minutes of exercise daily, and 10 minutes of mindfulness is all I can honestly say I do consistently throughout the year. My intention is to do a whole lot more for my health but inevitably I don’t maintain my goal routine. Often I will get to the gym for a resistance workout and also do a ride or run for cardio, mediate for 20 minutes, take fish oil, zinc, selenium, probiotics & glutathione. Use an infrared sauna, drink a celery juice, get an adjustment, see my acupuncturist, read a person development book, drink 3 litres of water, not have more than 1 coffee a day and the list goes on. But try as I might these health habits are a little stop start.
What makes the difference to our health, both physical and mental is what we do consistently, what makes up our regular habits. There is two parts to this equation around habits. What do we think is worth doing and then actually remembering and having the discipline to do it?
When you consider what is worth doing there are various factors to consider. What works for you and what works for someone else can be very different so listen to your intuition, know and trust yourself.
Often it helps to ask yourself, as far as time and money goes what will give you the most bang for your buck and what do you enjoy/tolerate enough to be able to do consistently throughout the year? A lemon squeezed in a glass of water daily is cheap, quick and easy as opposed to a liver cleanses supplement that may cost more. The liver cleanse may be more effective and beneficial, but you are unlikely to do it for the long term so the lemon in water may actually have more net benefit over the long term.
Now for the second part of the equation, remembering and having the discipline to actually do the desired health habit. Like all habits, in the beginning you will need to put a significant amount of mental effort into ensuring the consistency of the habit. I suggest make it as easy for yourself as humanly possible. Whether you use a reminder or alarm on your phone, a note on the fridge or car steering wheel, a healthy habit buddy to keep you accountable you will need to have a plan. Another tip is, be forgiving and get back on track quickly if you fall of the wagon. As humans we are beautifully imperfect and it is unrealistic to expect yourself to not fall of the wagon from time to time. How quickly you recover and get back on track with your mental and physical health habits will often determine the results.