Tina Henwood

Nutritionist (Bachelor of Health Science, Nutritional Medicine)
Tina Henwood - Health Space Clinics

Tina is an accredited practicing nutritionist (Bachelor of Health Science, Nutritional Medicine) with a specific interest in gut health, autoimmune conditions and healthy weight. She graduated from the Endeavour College of Natural Health in 2017 and has since worked in clinical practice. She is also an Australian Centre for Eating Disorders approved practitioner, providing judgement free guidance with disordered relationship with food.

Tina focuses on gut health as the foundation for good health and helps people find the causes behind their food sensitivities, bloating, low energy levels & IBS. She believes that only by treating the causes you will be able to achieve a sustainable and lasting difference in your health and your energy levels.

In her consultations Tina looks at possible nutrient deficiencies, pathogens in the digestive tract and the health of your gut bacteria. She will review your previous medical tests and develop a treatment plan that might include removing foods that you are sensitive to, replacing nutrients you are deficient in and rebalancing your gut bacteria to repair your gut health.

Tina is a big believer in quality food with fresh, seasonal ingredients. Being a mum of two kids, a dog and a cat she understand that time is limited. She will ensure that your diet nourishes your body but at the same time doesn’t create unnecessary stress and overwhelm. Her food plans are simple, healthy and easy to follow so you have enough time and energy to get on with everything you need and like doing.

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